Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Since the week before my Christmas Break my computer has been acting...fishy. First I thought I could have received a virus. After weighing my options I decided that since I had the time I was going to wipe my hard drive, reinstall windows and go from there.

For about a week things seemed to be going well, but only a week. Then it started glitching again, not even running certain programs. I was not happy. I had only built this computer this past summer. and until this I had no problems. I tried many things, consulted with all my knowledgeable friends, and we all drew a blank. I decided that I needed to shut my computer down before some irreversible damage was done. I only started it to try some diagnostic programs and other fixers. Tonight I think I finally had a solid lead on my problem. Hallelujah.

And that's why I haven't posted in awhile. Sorry, I was dealing with a delicate situation. In other news, I have found out I am going to try to avoid names where possible because I would rather this doesn't show up in any search engines. Basically, a T.V. show that comes in and fixes restaurants is coming to the restaurant that employs me.


Saturday the producers for this show sat at one of my tables, with me only finding out who they were when they were finished. I suppose I should tell you that I really want nothing to do with the show. I am amused that it is coming to a place I work at, but I am really not looking for any 15 minutes of fame here. The producers seemed to think differently. When I next worked there my manager informed me that they inquired about me, and asked if I would be on the show.




What is that about?

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Yesterday was my birthday. When I first started this blog I intended my first post to be about an incident involving Conjunctivitis and Holy Water. I assure you it was quite interesting, but you will not get to hear it now because of my intense procrastination. Suckers.
It seems now that I should post something about being alive another year, and how much I've grown and what has changed. Maybe even throw in some New Year's resolutions, since it is in fact a new year. Typically these are things you want to do to improve yourself, but I am feeling quite different about them.
You see, I am 27 this year. This may not seem that old to many people, and it is true that it really isn't, I am still young. Understand this though, I have NEVER been older than I am right now. On top of that, I am older than 100% of people younger than me. This is a frightening statistic. I am going to stop thinking about people younger than me right now, and focus on those that share my birthday. For this I used the website, which gave me some more frightening information. Under my birthday the have listed Haley Bennett as a famous person who shares my birthday, but was born in 1988.
What bothers me is I don't know who this is, and after looking her up I still cannot believe that she deserves to be on a list of famous people. Also included is Millard Fillmore, former President of the United States. I believe that is a makes him worthy of the list. Also listed is Paul Revere...of course they list his birth year as 1938, so there seems to be some discrepancy there which is a little odd. I think that he may in fact be the leader of some band, and I am sure that if he is my father will tell me quite soon. I look forward to finding out.
Well, this was quite pointless. But I did manage to fill some space, and hey, look, I finally posted something. Woot(.com)