Thursday, April 10, 2008

A friendly game of 'tag'

Apparently I was 'tagged' in posts from my family to release six weird facts about myself. My first thought is why on earth would I want to do this? Do you people not think I am strange enough without me telling you things that I think are strange?

It was pretty difficult to think about since I find all my idiosyncratic behaviors to be quite normal at this stage of my life. I have been doing these things for some time now, and no longer question why I do them, I just assume everyone else does, too. I have thought about it for awhile now, and I think I can come up with some, so enjoy.

1). I cannot lick envelopes without cringing in fear. I have taken to licking in an up and down motion, not side to side because of a horrible fear of paper-cuts. Some people ask me if I am afraid of that Urban Legend about the cockroach eggs in the cut on the tongue, and I inform them that the cut on the tongue is quite enough to frighten me, thank-you very much.

2). I seem to have a very selective memory. By this I mean that I can remember the most ridiculous things for the longest time, but I am constantly forgetting what I am doing in the kitchen with an empty coffee mug. I have during this week walking into a room at work six times, each time accomplishing a task, each of these tasks not the one I originally intended to do when I entered the room. I am very easily distracted, and need a lot of visual prompts to remind me of what I am doing.

3). I don't like socks. Can't really think of anything I need to say to that.

4). I have become a terrible passenger when there is any sort of inclement weather. This all comes from my drive home from Spring Break in Colorado, when we twice nearly wrecked on the highway, and then I took the wheel and drove for 16 hours. Ever since then I get very tense when I am not driving and there is rain or snow or whatever.

5). I am a media whore. I love books, movies, music and TV shows a lot. This I think most of you know. What you don't know is that I really LOVE bad TV and movies. I am embarrassed to say this but I will often turn of stations like the Disney Channel and watch all their awful shows. Then I have to quickly change the channel when someone walks into the room. I wonder if there is a support group?

6). I have a very vivid imagination, which also lead me to over analyze situations. I can sit down and ponder what every voice inflection in that last phone call meant, staying up all night thinking about what you meant but didn't say, and what each situation might actually lead too. It is pretty annoying, because if I feel so inclined I won't take anything for face value, but will instead obsess over what you could have really meant. And usually people really mean what they tell me, but I won't let that stop me from going crazy!

Right. That wasn't so bad. At least I don't think any of you are going to call the men in white coats.